This is my very first posting and I am thrilled to have figured this blog site out on my own. There may be some flaws but I will work them out as we go. I am computer-challenged.
The conception for this blog developed from a contest I had entered offered under Oprah's new network, OWN. They asked everyone with a desire to own their own show and an idea worth considering, to submit a 3 minute video. I actually was able to do this with a little help from my oldest son and very little, "Mom you are lame with the computer" attitude .
My idea to target baby boomers was a no brainer. First of all, I turned 60 last year and screamed louder on that day than my Mother did in giving birth. However, it so happens that I am exactly 1 day younger than Bruce Springsteen and he looked mighty fine on the cover of AARP. So, our wonderful generation, often being overlooked these days, and having specific needs and concerns has now become my passion.
Why should we take pride in our generation? We were Time's Man of the Year in 1966. We span Grandparents to new Empty-Nesters, making up about 1/3 of the population, and driving over 75% (a conservative figure) of the Economy.
On this blog site, we will deal with nostalgia. It will have it's own segement. Send in your favorite childhood memories. I still am obsessed with the penny candy I could get from Pup-Pup's Cloverfarm store in the '50's - red licorice records, small wax pop bottles with some juicy 1/2 ounce of liquid inside. Where did Fantan gum go? Or Tom Tucker's mint gingerale which could only calm my tummy?
Health and wellness is another segment. I am prepared to bring the lastest knowledge to my boomers. Remember baby oil and iodine? Was SPF part of our vocabulary. Look for the lastest discussions re. skin cancer prevention guidelines this week.
We will cover fun topics as well as more difficult subjects under this heading. Did you know that the younger segment of our population (the 46 to 54 year olds) had the highest suicide completion rate for the past 2 years in a row. Being a psychiatrist, I am prepared to tackle issues of depression, of substance abuse, of bereavement.
Cooking will also be a very important part of this blog. Send in your favorite childhood recipe and let's manage to make it more healthy. Yes, LDL was another missing part of our vocabulary. Any Grandmother's wishing to part with a secret recipe? We want to share with our group.
And the most important aspect that we should all address is, "Do you have a dream that you want to accomplish?" "What are you waiting for?" Are motto is, "No Regrets". I want you all to realize that the oldest members of my generation will turn 65 in 2011. So, what are you doing now and are you planning to make changes. Were you fortunate to plan ahead, or are you more typical of the generation that lived day by day.
And don't forget our music. No other generation can match that era of brilliant tunes, lyrics, and spirituality.
So, there you have it. I will address all of these topics individually on a weekly basis for a year and see what response I get.